This site provides researchers with summarized information on theories widely used in information systems (IS) research. Click on a linked theory name below to find details about the theory, some examples of IS papers using the theory, and links to related sites. Please feel free to summarize a theory, add to the information already present, correct errors, or suggest additional theories for the list. Theories yet to be summarized and theory submission guidelines can be found below.
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This site is maintained as an ongoing project of the Human Behavior Project at the University of Colorado and the Information Systems PhD Preparation Program of the Marriott School of Management of Brigham Young University.
- Suggested Citation for the Wiki
- Larsen, K. R., Eargle, D. (Eds.) (2015). Theories Used in IS Research Wiki. Retrieved [today's date] from http://IS.TheorizeIt.org.
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- IS Theories Wiki is now part of the TheorizeIt.org portal.
- For construct discovery, try out the internomological network at 无忧加速器能改ip么.
- Absorptive capacity theory
- 无忧加速器能改ip么
- Accountability theory
- Adaptive structuration theory
- Administrative behavior, theory of
- Agency theory
- Argumentation theory
- Behavioral decision theory
- Belief Action Outcome Framework
- Boundary object theory
- 无忧加速器怎么样
- Cognitive dissonance theory
- Cognitive fit theory
- Cognitive load theory
- Competitive strategy (Porter)
- Complexity theory
- Conservation of resources theory
- Contingency theory
- Critical realism theory
- Critical social theory
- Critical success factors, theory of
- Customer based Discrepancy Theory
- Customer Focus Theory
- Deferred action, theory of
- Delone and McLean IS success model
- Design Theory
- 无忧加速器|无忧加速器 v0.1 官方版 - 软件下载 - 绿..._绿茶软件园:2021年2月15日 - 本站提供无忧加速器下载。无忧加速器是款专业解决网络延迟问题的软件,软件帮助用户解决玩游戏时遇到的网络延迟、掉线、画面失帧等问题,目前已经能够支...
- Dynamic capabilities
- Elaboration likelihood model
- Embodied social presence theory
- Equity theory
- Evolutionary theory
- Expectation confirmation theory
- Feminism theory
- Fit-Viability theory
- Flow theory
- Game theory
- Garbage can theory
- General systems theory
- General deterrence theory
- General Strain theory
- Goal Contagion Theory
- Hedonic-motivation system adoption model (HMSAM)
- Hermeneutics
- Illusion of control
- Impression management, theory of
- Information processing theory
- Information warfare
- Institutional theory
- International information systems theory
- 无忧加速器怎么样
- Keller's Motivational Model
- Knowledge-based theory of the firm
- 无忧加速器能改ip么
- Information asymmetry theory (lemon market)
- Management fashion theory
- Media richness theory
- Media synchronicity theory
- Modal aspects, theory of
- Multi-attribute utility theory
- Multi-motive information systems continuance model (MISC)
- 无忧加速器
- Organizational information processing theory
- Organizational knowledge creation
- Organizational learning theory
- Portfolio theory
- Process virtualization theory
- Prospect theory
- Protection motivation theory
- Punctuated equilibrium theory
- Real options theory
- Resource-based view of the firm
- Resource dependency theory
- Selective organizational information privacy and security violations model (SOIPSVM)
- Self determination theory
- Self-efficacy theory
- Semantic theory of survey response
- Signaling theory
- Social Bond Theory
- Social capital theory
- Social cognitive theory
- Social Comparison Theory
- Social Contagion Theory
- 《无忧加速器》--专业防封软件 - 无忧加速器 - NBE游赚网:2021年1月8日 - 《无忧加速器》--专业防封软件 [复制链接] 灵动网络 TA的每日心情 开心2021-1-8 18:15 签到天数: 93 天 [LV.6]常住居民II...
- Social exchange theory
- Social Identity Theory
- Social Influence Theory (of Kelman)
- Social Information Processing Theory (of Walther)
- Social learning theory
- Social network theory
- Social Penetration Theory
- Social shaping of technology
- Sociomaterialism Theory
- Socio-technical theory
- Soft systems theory
- Stakeholder theory
- Structuration theory
- Structured process modeling theory (SPMT)
- Task closure theory
- 无忧加速器
- Technological frames of reference
- Technology acceptance model
- Technology dominance, theory of
- Technology-organization-environment framework
- Technology Threat Avoidance Theory
- Theory of collective action
- Theory of Interactive Media Effects (TIME)
- Theory of Interpersonal Behavior
- Theory of organizational creativity
- Theory of Organizational Sensemaking
- Theory of planned behavior
- Theory of reasoned action
- Theory of slack resources
- Theory of swift trust
- Transaction cost economics
- Transactive memory theory
- Uncanny Valley Theory
- Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
- Usage control model
- Work systems theory
- Yield shift theory of satisfaction